Are You Backing Up Your Wordpress Site?

Internet marketers create websites and blogs to offer their products and services. Basically, their main objective is to earn money. This is the layout as well as the main reason why most of the web site owners focus on their website's rank and its contents. Well, users do not really care aside from the contents of your website and the design. They won't even care about the safety of your blog or website. But by creating a site even if security isn't your concern, it has to be your top priority.

In my view, the best way to make sure that your fix wordpress malware cleanup that is is through using a WordPress backup plugin. This is a fairly inexpensive, elegant and easy to use way to Learn More make certain that your site is available to you.

Is also important. You want to backup all the database and files you can easily bring your site back like nothing happened.

Move your wp-config.php file one directory up from the WordPress root. WordPress will look for it there if it cannot be found in the root directory. Additionally, nobody else useful reference will be able to read the file unless they've SSH or FTP access to your server.

In addition to adding a secret key to your wp-config.php file, also consider changing your user password to something that is strong and unique. WordPress will tell you the strength of your password, but a good tip is to avoid common phrases, use upper and lowercase letters, and include numbers. It's also a good idea to change your password frequently - say once.

These are only a few. Fantastic thing is they don't require much time to do. These are also solutions, which can be done.

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